Memorial Day 2020
This weekend marks Memorial Day, the traditional start of summer. However, as so many spring and summer plans have been shelved due to COVID-19, this gives us pause to remember the more important parts of the holiday (other than picnics, gatherings and a day off!).
Memorial Day is a holiday to commemorate the servicemen and women who have died fighting for our country. While COVID presents a different kind of battle, there are still tens of thousands of front line workers fighting for our lives today. Whether in a hospital, supplying essential services or products, these brave men and women are the backbone of what makes America great.
We also can use this time to cherish our family and friends, even if our celebrations are a bit smaller and less festive. For those who have distance between them, it’s a great time for a phone call or a letter to let someone know you care.
Which brings me to this letter. As I move on to establish the Rinehart Fertility Center on June 15th, I want all of you to know that it is you, my patients, that have helped to make me the REI that I am today. I am grateful that you entrust your care to me and honored to help you create or expand your families.
Even among these difficult times, I look forward to sharing great joy with all of you in the months ahead.
In the meantime, enjoy your holiday weekend in safety and good health!
Dr. John Rinehart
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